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Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

New Website Launched

AJP are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!

We have made lots of improvements, which we hope you will find useful. The training course outlines have been completely re-organised, making it quicker to find the information you are looking for. You can also view the course outlines and objectives when looking at dates in our course calendar.

The new FAQs page will give you a lot of the relevant information quickly and all in one place.  And, however you plan to travel, we've added directions on our contacts and location page.

We've added this blog where we'll be posting articles and information that we think you'll find interesting, so please check back.

We've got further enhancements scheduled for the website over the coming weeks and months, so watch this space!

We'd love to hear what you think of the new site, so please leave your comments. If you have any suggestions for features you'd like to see us offer via this site, or blog articles that you'd like us to produce, we'd very much welcome your suggestions!

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-2 Jimbo 2011-01-28 15:10 #
Really like the new site
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